The clay will be flying at The Ville this Friday, June 14 as the 3rd Annual SlingFest sponsored by R.G. Hoffman Electrical Contractors is set with a GUARANTEED $500 TO WIN ALLSTAR SLINGSHOT NATIONAL TOUR RACE / RACE #2 OF THE AMSOIL SHORT TRACK SLINGSHOT TOUR & A GUARANTEED $350 TO WIN JR. SLINGSHOT NATIONAL TOUR RACE! Many of the Slingshots Best will be on Hand to run this Exciting Race! Both slingshot divisions will run a World of Outlaw Style Format where the Slingshot drivers will Group Qualify during Practice to set the Heat Races with a top “x” invert (0 to 4 invert), and the Features will be heads up by the heat finishes. On top of the that we will have a Complete Regular Show of All Divisions of Karts, Champs, Microstocks, and Slingshots. Come on out this Friday and join in the racing action or check out the exciting short track racing in the Beautiful Pocono Mountains at Snydersville Raceway. Gates open at 4:30pm, Drivers Meeting at 6pm, Practice at 6:15pm, and Racing Begins at 7pm.
RACECEIVERS are MANDATORY to compete. Frequency is 454.000MHz. Thank you in Advanced.
AllStar Slingshots Specs- 2019 Tobias Rules & Weights for the Event – $63 to Enter (INCLUDES DRIVER PIT PASS)
Jr. Slingshots Specs- 2019 Tobias Rules. Single Barrel Carb, 695 LBS, Ages 8-14 – $53 to Enter (INCLUDES DRIVER PIT PASS)
AllStar Slingshot Payout:
5- $500 $100 $75 $45 $35
6- $500 $110 $80 $50 $35 $35
7- $500 $120 $80 $50 $40 $35 $35
8- $500 $130 $90 $60 $40 $35 $35 $35
9- $500 $140 $90 $60 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35
10- $500 $150 $100 $60 $50 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
11- $500 $160 $100 $70 $50 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
12- $500 $170 $110 $70 $50 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
13- $500 $180 $115 $75 $60 $50 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
14- $500 $190 $120 $75 $60 $50 $45 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
15- $500 $200 $125 $75 $60 $50 $50 $45 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
16- $500 $210 $130 $80 $65 $55 $50 $45 $45 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
17- $500 $220 $135 $85 $65 $55 $50 $45 $45 $40 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
18- $500 $230 $140 $90 $70 $60 $55 $50 $45 $40 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
19- $500 $240 $145 $95 $75 $65 $55 $50 $50 $45 $45 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
20- $500 $250 $150 $100 $80 $70 $60 $50 $50 $50 $45 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
21- $500 $250 $150 $105 $85 $70 $60 $55 $50 $50 $45 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
22- $500 $250 $155 $110 $90 $75 $60 $55 $50 $50 $45 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
23- $500 $250 $155 $115 $90 $75 $65 $60 $55 $50 $45 $45 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
24- $500 $250 $160 $120 $95 $80 $65 $60 $55 $50 $50 $45 $40 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
25- $500 $250 $160 $125 $100 $80 $70 $65 $60 $55 $50 $50 $40 $40 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35 $35
26- $500 $250 $165 $130 $105 $85 $75 $65 $60 $55 $50 $50 $40 $40 $40 $40 $35 $35 $35 $35
27- $500 $250 $165 $135 $110 $90 $80 $70 $60 $60 $55 $50 $45 $40 $40 $40 $40 $35 $35 $35
28- $500 $250 $170 $140 $115 $90 $85 $70 $65 $60 $55 $55 $45 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $35 $35
29- $500 $250 $170 $145 $120 $95 $85 $75 $65 $60 $55 $55 $45 $45 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40 $35
30- $500 $250 $175 $150 $125 $100 $90 $80 $70 $65 $60 $60 $50 $50 $50 $40 $40 $40 $40 $40
Jr. Slingshot Payout:
5- $350 $100 $50 $25 $25
6- $350 $100 $55 $30 $25 $25
7- $350 $100 $55 $30 $25 $25 $25
8- $350 $100 $55 $35 $30 $25 $25 $25
9- $350 $100 $60 $35 $35 $30 $25 $25 $25
10- $350 $100 $60 $40 $35 $35 $30 $25 $25 $25
11- $350 $100 $65 $50 $40 $40 $35 $35 $30 $25 $25
12- $350 $110 $65 $50 $40 $40 $35 $35 $35 $30 $25 $25
13- $350 $110 $70 $55 $45 $40 $40 $35 $35 $30 $30 $25 $25
14- $350 $115 $75 $55 $45 $40 $40 $40 $35 $35 $30 $25 $25 $25
15- $350 $125 $75 $60 $50 $45 $40 $40 $35 $35 $30 $25 $25 $25 $25
16- $350 $125 $75 $60 $50 $45 $40 $40 $35 $35 $30 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25
17- $350 $130 $85 $65 $55 $45 $40 $40 $40 $35 $30 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25
18- $350 $135 $85 $65 $55 $50 $40 $40 $40 $40 $30 $30 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25
19- $350 $140 $95 $70 $60 $50 $40 $40 $40 $40 $30 $30 $30 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25
20- $350 $150 $100 $75 $65 $50 $40 $40 $40 $40 $30 $30 $30 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25 $25
Upcoming Events can be found on our website www.SnydersvilleRaceway.com