The staff and crew defied the odds of Mother Nature and got the first points race in the books. 67 entries of Karts, Champs, Microstocks, and Quarter Midgets showed up to make for an exciting evening of racing with some rather large fields. The entire show would be completed in 3 hours 45 minutes with the final checkered dropping at 10pm, leaving us 30 minutes to spare before the rain hit. We want to thank everyone for working with us as we pushed the show to get it in, and in the end it worked out. We also want to thank you all (Racers and Fans) for coming out and joining us for the exciting short track racing. Here is this weeks results:
Kid Karts
- Wyatt Fink
- Henry Brammeu
Briggs Stock Light ($200 TO WIN MONEY RACE)
- Joseph Pacovich
- Nick Story
- Dylan LaBar
- Cadence Freeman
- Patrick Chilmonik
- Billy LaRue
- Blaze Croop
- Chris Melchor
- Brandon Cochran
- Teddy Reed
- Eddie Prentice
- Matt Gehris
Jr. Sportsman Champ
- Xavier Sprague
- Brandon Walsh
- Ian McGuire
- Griffin Hendershot
- Jayce Brown
- Dylan Hahn
- Tre Mammana
- Craig Sprague Jr
- Wyatt Fink
- Grace Eby (DNS)
Sr. Flathead Champ
- Alex Arndt
- Bob Wilson
- Cadence Freeman
- Steven Frindt
- Kenny Maconeghy III
- Ken Maconeghy
- John Martinsky Sr. (DNS)
Sr. 206 Champ
- Trent Brewbaker
Microstock Animal 206
- Tom Arntz
- Dillon Emmons
- Matt Gyurkovics
- Timothy Flyte
- Andrew Accera
Jr. Sportsman
- Stephen Laubach
- Eric Lieb
- Lydia Navarro
- Griffin Hendershot
Jr. Slingshots
- Micah Adams
- Zack Cox
AllStar Slingshots
- Dillion Emmons
- Brian Smith
- Brent Schantz
- Glenn Hoffman, Jr.
- Donovan Burns
- Mason Pittenger
Honda 120 Quarter Midgets
- Robert Applegate
- Lukas Applegate
Honda 160 Quarter Midgets
- Jake Moyer
- Dakota Warnken
- Ariana Tsihlis
Sr. Animal Champ
- Bob Wilson
- Billy Proctor
- John Schantz
- Lew Everett
Briggs Stock Heavy ($200 TO WIN MONEY RACE)
- Joseph Pacovich
- John Wolfe
- Jason Wolfe
- Nick Story
- Billy LaRue
- Teddy Reed
- Nic Biros
- Daniel South