ATTENTION ALL SLINGSHOTS – For the 2022 Snydersville Season, a VALID Tobias Slingshot Registration and Inspection is REQUIRED for both the Jr. and AllStar divisions. The racers with 2021 Tobias Registration have until Jan. 31, 2022, to submit the registration for car number renewal. All Slingshots must have their car inspected and registered by their second race to receive the finish, points, and payout.
The registration form can be downloaded at the link here (.docx file): https://c919a6e7-41e2-413a-ae0d-689908a0c886.filesusr.com/ugd/fea478_a5ffdce9cefb4ec3aaf3e792dde33055.docx?dn=Registration%202022%20Slingshot.docx.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at info@snydersvilleraceway.com