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November 25, 2020 by Alex Greenzweig News

As everyone knows, this year has been a real page-turner due to the COVID pandemic. However, it was the total opposite for us. This year we saw many new faces in both racers and fans. We had a record average car count that hasn’t been seen since the early and late 2000s, we set new track records never seen before in the 29-year history of Snydersville, and we had numerous events in the triple digits for entries. Overall the year was great! As we looked towards the banquet, we were faced with many hard decisions to make, which included locating a hall and the current pandemic issues that are recently affecting us.

After much thought and consideration, we have decided for all of our racing family’s safety to postpone the banquet until March of 2021. This was a hard decision for us, but we would rather keep everyone safe and not risk having ~250 people possibly contract COVID (and yes, I know we raced at the track with more, but that was over 5 acres). And don’t worry, we will still be handing out the same prizes to our award recipients. The final awards list will be posted over this holiday weekend. We hope you understand, and we want to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving.

The Greenzweig’s


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