February 13, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News

The Promoters/Staff at Snydersville Raceway are excited to be gathering on Saturday, February 26, at Kunkletown Volunteer Fire Company to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2021 season and award our great racing family. Here are some reminders and information for Saturday, February 26.
- Banquet Dress Code is Nice Casual. No Ripped Clothing or stained clothing.
- Doors will open at 5 pm and Dinner is at 6 pm
- If you haven’t paid for your tickets, you pay for them at ticket pickup with Roxan. If you paid, then you will pick up your tickets with Rox.
- Address of the Hall is 597 Kunkletown Rd, Kunkletown, PA 18058.
- We ask if you could bring a dessert for all to enjoy.
- If you are sick, we ask that you please stay home. You will still receive your awards and prizes.
See you all in a couple of weeks, and if you need anything, please get in touch with Alex at info@snydersvilleraceway.com.
February 12, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News
Pit spot renewal season is here for 2022, and you can renew your spot Online today by going to https://snydersvilleraceway.com/product/2022-pit-spot-reservation/. Prices remain the same for 2022 at $75 and come with the same great benefits of Two Free Grandstand Passes Weekly!
If you looking for a spot but don’t hold one from 2021, you can put in a request by filling out the New Parking Reservation form at https://snydersvilleraceway.com/new-parking-reservation/.
2021 Spots will be held for renewal until Saturday, March 19, 2022, after Practice Day. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at info@snydersvilleraceway.com.
January 21, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News
If you received a receipt today (1/21/2022) regarding a race or parking spot you purchased on the website, you can disregard it. Many orders needed to be manually closed out through our order processing system. Also, note that your cards have not been double charged as well. However, if there is for some reason a charge that gets applied, please contact Alex immediately, and we will resolve it. I want to thank everyone that reached out to me regarding this, and we do apologize for the confusion. Have a great weekend and see you at Motorsports tomorrow (Alex will be at the CFFC table).
January 17, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News, Tech

ATTENTION ALL SLINGSHOTS – For the 2022 Snydersville Season, a VALID Tobias Slingshot Registration and Inspection is REQUIRED for both the Jr. and AllStar divisions. The racers with 2021 Tobias Registration have until Jan. 31, 2022, to submit the registration for car number renewal. All Slingshots must have their car inspected and registered by their second race to receive the finish, points, and payout.
The registration form can be downloaded at the link here (.docx file): https://c919a6e7-41e2-413a-ae0d-689908a0c886.filesusr.com/ugd/fea478_a5ffdce9cefb4ec3aaf3e792dde33055.docx?dn=Registration%202022%20Slingshot.docx.
If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at info@snydersvilleraceway.com
January 6, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News

With the 2021 Banquet just around the corner and with the current health issues of rising COVID cases, the Promoters of Snydersville Raceway have ultimately decided to postpone the event to Saturday, February 26. This was a hard decision to make and we know it may not work for some of you with work schedules and trips. However, with current conditions, we decided our racing family’s health is more important at this very moment than putting 200+ people’s health at risk. In an effort to still have a banquet, we felt it best to postpone the banquet to a later date and let the current situation die down.
The banquet will occur at the same location and have the same times as posted for the previous date. If you can or cannot make the banquet for February 26, please text Alex at (484) 893-0195 or email info@snydersvilleraceway.com to make those changes. We hope you understand and we look forward to seeing you in February.