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Opening Weekend with $200 to win Stock Heavy Money Race & Regular Show on Friday, April 8, and 1/4 Midget Super Nationals on Saturday, April 9!

April 5, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News

The 2022 Snydersville Raceway season is set to open with an action-filled weekend of racing with racing on Friday, April 8, and Saturday, April 9! On Friday, April 8, Our Opening Night will feature the Briggs Stock Heavy division in a 25-Lap Dash for $200 to win and feature the $100 to win Largest Regular Class bonus. On top of that, we will have all weekly classes of Karts, Champs, Microstocks, Slingshots, and Mini Mods start their pursuit of the 2022 Point Championship. Gates will open at 4:30pm, Driver’s Meeting will be 5:50pm, Practice will begin at 6:15pm, and Racing will start at 7pm.

Briggs Stock Heavy Info:
• $200 to win (5 Kart Minimum) – $40 to enter
• SPECS: WKA Stock Flathead Only, 370 LBS Minimum, Ages 15 & Up, Burris Tire Rule
• Race Format: GWC Qualifying, 8-Lap Heat, and a 25-Lap Feature.

Money Race Payout:
5- $200 $30 
6- $200 $40 
7- $200 $50 $30 
8- $200 $60 $45 $15 
9- $200 $70 $50 $25 $15 
10- $200 $75 $50 $30 $25 $20 
11- $200 $80 $60 $40 $30 $25 
12- $200 $85 $65 $45 $35 $30 $20 
13- $200 $90 $70 $50 $40 $35 $25 
14- $200 $85 $75 $55 $45 $40 $30 $20 
15- $200 $100 $80 $60 $50 $45 $30 $25 
16- $200 $105 $85 $65 $55 $50 $35 $25 $20 
17- $200 $110 $90 $70 $60 $55 $35 $30 $20 
18- $200 $115 $95 $75 $65 $60 $40 $35 $25 
19- $200 $120 $100 $80 $70 $65 $40 $35 $30 $20 
20- $200 $125 $100 $85 $75 $65 $50 $40 $35 $25

On Saturday, April 9, we will feature the Quarter Midget Super Nationals, with the Young 1/4 Midget Racers Stars testing their skills on the 1/8th mile oval in the Poconos. All Classes of Quarter Midgets, from Red Rookie to Modified, will be on the card following the 2022 USAC Class Rules/List and Tire Rules. Pit Parking will be first come, first serve based on trailer size. Grandstands are FREE for the Saturday portion. Teams, please make sure you have your one-ways (raceceivers) as they are required. Prices are located in the flyer. Gates will open at 11am, Driver/Handler Meeting at 12:45pm, Practice at 1pm, and Racing will start at 3pm!

Join us this weekend in the Poconos and celebrate the start of the 2022 Season with some Exciting Short Track Dirt Racing!

Practice Day is set for Saturday, April 2! Gates open at 10am, Practice from 12pm – 6pm

March 29, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News

Practice Day is going to be underway for Snydersville Raceway this Saturday, April 2 as drivers will shakedown their karts, champs, microstocks, slingshots, and mini mods for the 2022 season. Gates/Tech Inspection will open at 10am, Drivers Meeting at 11:45am, Practice will start at 12pm and go to 6pm. It will be an $18 Pit Pass regardless if you are a Driver or Non-Driver. Grandstands will be FREE to enter, however, you will not be permitted in the pits. We will be running Transponders for lap times and posting on Race Monitor. One-Way Radios/Scanners are required for practice day. The concession stand will be open on Practice Day.

2022 PIT SPOT RENEWALS: This will be the last day to reserve your pit spot at the track or online for RENEWALS. After that, we will open up to the Wait List for Parking Assignment.

Come join us to shake those bugs and get a fresh start to the 2022 season! See you all on Saturday.

Track Cleanup set for Sat. March 26 at 10am.

March 23, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News

This Saturday, we began our final preparations to get the 2022 Racing Season underway with our Track Cleanup Day. We have a lot which includes scraping the wall of loose paint, painting the walls (both inside and out), painting the tires, picking rocks, and cleaning up the grounds. We ask that you please let Alex know you’re coming by emailing him at or message the Snydersville Raceway Facebook Page, so we can get a headcount for lunch. If you have dietary restrictions, please let us know so we can coordinate a food order for you on Saturday.

We will have a limited supply of paint rollers, paint brushes, rakes, shovels, buckets, and scrapers/wire brushes, but we ask that you please bring the following in case we have a lot of people:
• Paint Roller or Brush
• Scraper (aka Putty Knife) or Wire Brush
• Shovel
• Rake
• Bucket

We hope to see you on Saturday

Track Clean Up canceled due to rainy weather. New Clean Up Date set for Sat. March 26

March 17, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News

Due to the anticipated rainy spring weather for Saturday, March 19, we have decided to cancel the track cleanup. We have rescheduled the cleanup to next Saturday, March 26. This postponement will push our schedule one week, with Practice Day now set for Saturday, April 2, and the Opening Night set for Friday, April 8, with $100 to win the Largest Class and $200 to win Briggs Stock Heavy! Parking Reservation Renewals will be extended to April 2 for 2021 Reserved Spots. Have a great weekend, and see you all on the 26th!

Banquet Reminders for Saturday, February 26

February 13, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News

The Promoters/Staff at Snydersville Raceway are excited to be gathering on Saturday, February 26, at Kunkletown Volunteer Fire Company to celebrate the accomplishments of the 2021 season and award our great racing family. Here are some reminders and information for Saturday, February 26.

  • Banquet Dress Code is Nice Casual. No Ripped Clothing or stained clothing.
  • Doors will open at 5 pm and Dinner is at 6 pm
  • If you haven’t paid for your tickets, you pay for them at ticket pickup with Roxan. If you paid, then you will pick up your tickets with Rox.
  • Address of the Hall is 597 Kunkletown Rd, Kunkletown, PA 18058.
  • We ask if you could bring a dessert for all to enjoy.
  • If you are sick, we ask that you please stay home. You will still receive your awards and prizes.

See you all in a couple of weeks, and if you need anything, please get in touch with Alex at


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