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Practice is canceled for Saturday, March 25. Rescheduled to Saturday, April 1, with schedule changes

March 24, 2023 by Alex Greenzweig News

Due to rain on Saturday, March 25, we will cancel Practice and reschedule it for Saturday, April 1. With Practice being moved to April 1, the Friday Night De-Icer on March 31 will be moved to April 7 which will include the $500 to Win AllStar Slingshots, $250 to win Briggs Stock Heavy, a Regular Show, and the JuiceBox Division. We will see the Mini Mods first race on Friday, April 14, due to their Bi-weekly Schedule. Have a great weekend everyone and see you next Saturday for Practice.

Track Cleanup is set for this Saturday, March 18 at 10am.

March 16, 2023 by Alex Greenzweig News

This Saturday, we began our final preparations to get the 2023 Racing Season underway with our Track Cleanup Day. We have a lot, including scraping the wall of loose paint, painting the walls (both inside and out), painting the tires, picking rocks, repairing stuff, and cleaning up the grounds. Please let Alex know you’re coming by messaging the Snydersville Raceway Facebook Page, so we can get a headcount for lunch. Please let us know if you have dietary restrictions so we can coordinate a food order for you on Saturday.

We will have a limited supply of paint rollers, paint brushes, rakes, shovels, buckets, and scrapers/wire brushes, but we ask that you please bring the following in case we have a lot of people:

• Paint Roller or Brush
• Scraper (aka Putty Knife) or Wire Brush
• Shovel
• Rake
• Bucket
• Drill or Impact Gun

We hope to see you on Saturday!

2023 Briggs 206 Camshaft Rules Amendment

February 25, 2023 by Alex Greenzweig News, Tech

As many of you may know, social media blew up a few months ago regarding claims that some competitors and “engine tuners” had discovered a way to “twist” the camshaft inside the engines without breaking the seals. Although we have stayed silent on this potential issue up until now, our team has been actively looking for a solution to prevent this.

Cup Karts of North America, a large road course series, spent months gathering data from multiple sources. Hundreds of camshafts were measured and documented from both new and well-used engines, as well as engines from multiple years of production. They also asked key partners from within the industry to provide their own findings of camshaft measurements from their own engines and/or engines they had come through their shops.

The result of this effort is a huge amount of information to base the creation of an allowable tolerance that Racing Promotions (aka Snydersville Raceway) and Oreville Kart Club will now use to inspect engines with:

  • In addition to the measurements in Briggs & Stratton 206 rules section 28 – Camshaft Profile Limits Rules:
    • Centerline of the INTAKE lobe must measure 105°-107°.

This rule will take effect immediately. We will also outline the procedure in which our tech team will perform this check, and how disqualifications or suspensions will be handled for engines found not to be compliant with this rule.

We know this announcement comes very close to race season and in a time when engine are hard to get, but unless you (or your engine tuner) have been messing around with the camshaft, you will have nothing to worry about.

2023 BIG ANNOUNCEMENTS: Short Track Racing returning to Pocono Raceway in 2023; Stage 1 Modifieds to join Snydersville in monthly races; 2023 Schedule Highlights for Snydersville & Oreville!

January 6, 2023 by Alex Greenzweig News

2023 is here, and The Greenzweig’s have been hard at work during the off-season working on the 2023 season details for both Snydersville and Oreville. As 2022 saw the end come to an Iconic event, Alex saw the opportunity to create a new Iconic event at a facility that packs decades of racing history and formed a partnership like no other in the industry. So mark your calendars as Racing Promotions (Snydersville Raceway) and Oreville Kart Club present the Inaugural Pocono Short Track Asphalt Championship Race at Pocono Raceway! The single day event will be held on Saturday, June 10, and feature a wide variety of racing from Karts, Champs, Microstocks, Mini Mods, Slingshots, Modern TQs from the American Three Quarter Midget Racing Association & The PENNY TQ Midget Series, and Vintage TQs from The PENNY TQ Midget Series. The ~1/7th mile track will take place behind the main grandstand on a smooth piece of asphalt and provide a larger pit area to facilitate more classes and entries. More details of the event, including classes, winnings, payouts, entry fees, and time schedule, will be released in the coming month. Alex & Barry would like to thank Pocono Raceway for allowing us and the racers to race at their Legendary Facility.

Another big announcement for 2023 is that the Stage 1 Modifieds will join Snydersville Raceway in monthly showings after a triumphant Thunder at The Ville outing in 2022. The Stage 1 Modifieds put on an exciting show at Snydersville, and the response from the racers was positive, especially racing on the tight bullring. Official race dates and details regarding payout and rules will be announced soon for the Stage 1’s.

Some other highlights to the 2023 schedules at Snydersville and Oreville include:
• 2023 Thunder at The Ville will be held on Saturday, Sept. 30, with the possibility of expanding into a two-day event.
• This will be the final year for the Art Cronce Sr. Memorial featuring the Animal Champ. Date TBA
• The 2023 East Coast Vintage Kart Nationals at Oreville will combine the Vintage Karting Association series and Eastern Vintage Karting Promoters Cup Series under one event to make for one of the LARGEST VINTAGE EVENTS on the east coast. Event to be held Sept. 8 & 9, 2023.
• Lastly, after the fallout of West End, the Dirt-a-Rama event will be tabled until further notice. We have tried to reach out to other fairgrounds but haven’t had any luck. However, if approached, our team will review the feasibility of an event occurring.

2022 Snydersville Championship Awards Banquet is set for Saturday, Dec. 17 at Kunkletown Fire Company

October 27, 2022 by Alex Greenzweig News

Our racing family comes together on Saturday, December 17 at Kunkletown Fire Company for the 2022 Championship Awards Banquet. Those listed below will be recognized this year and met the minimum requirements. Doors will open at 5pm, Dinner at 6pm, and Awards/Door Prizes/Raffle to follow. We ask that you please bring a dessert for all to share! The price is $35 for Adults, $30 for Kids 5-11, and Free for Ages 4 & Under. To order tickets, please call 610-381-3787 for tickets. RSVP by December 3 for tickets. We hope you come join us for a DELICIOUS MEAL, GREAT NIGHT OF BENCH SEAT RACING, AND CELEBRATE THE 2022 SEASON!

Address of Hall: 597 Kunkletown Rd, Kunkletown, PA 18058

Kid Kart

  • #51 Gage Zemencsik
  • #75 Ryden Richard
  • #25 Kruze Brammel
  • #20 Spencer Hite
  • #0J Oliver Eckhart
  • #14 Thomas Weber

Kiddie Champ

  • #22 Khloe Babcock

Jr. Sportsman Champ

  1. #3 David Coene
  2. #17 Shawn Weber
  3. #C2 Colton Colaluce
  4. #46 Izabella Babcock
  5. #35 Landon Trainer
  6. #14 Henry Brammel

Briggs Stock Light

  1. #51 Clark McCollum
  2. #908 Daniel Phillips
  3. #39x Stephen Laubach
  4. #18 Richard Huntley
  5. #2 Dylan Labar
  6. #$ Brandon Cochran
  7. #000 Barrett Hill
  8. #88 Austin Rutkowski
  9. #11 Tim Healy

Jr. Restricted Champ

  1. #57 Hailey Eroh
  2. #11 Kaleb Rawlins
  3. #001 Liam Mulea

Jr. Sportsman

  1. #12 Tre Mammana
  2. #3 David Coene
  3. #17 Shawn Weber

Briggs Stock Heavy

  1. #57 Brad Eroh
  2. #87 Dylan Lippincott
  3. #$ Brandon Cochran
  4. #11 Justin Stangl


  1. #813 Kevin Reimert
  2. #63sr Logan Crout
  3. #63 Eddie Geiger Jr.
  4. #23 Kadence Zemencsik
  5. #32 Caden Miller
  6. #199 Steven Frindt
  7. #83 Mike Bowers

AllStar Slingshots

  1. #68 James Benz
  2. #67 Charlene Benz
  3. #5 Lydia Navarro
  4. #95P Lucas Pittenger
  5. #22 Patrick Weiss
  6. #115 Bob Miller
  7. #42P Mason Pittenger

Jr. Restricted

  1. #57 Hailey Eroh
  2. #11 Kaleb Rawlins
  3. #31 Gage Landis
  4. #001 Liam Mulea

Briggs Super Heavy

  1. #83 Tyler Dilts
  2. #60x Cole Laubach
  3. #23J CJ Tinnelly
  4. #53 Dennis Berger
  5. #11Z Zach Zemencsik

Sr. Animal Champ

  1. #112 Kevin Rex Jr.
  2. #97 Gary Surch
  3. #18J Julius Van Allen

Sr. 206 Champ

  1. #7 Billy Proctor
  2. #45 Lew Everett
  3. #64 Bob Wilson

Mini Mods

  1. #55 Gary Lerch III
  2. #121 Bill Connolly
  3. #9 Kenny Fogel


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