For the FULL RULE BOOKS, go to for Track, Class, and Engine Rules.
Kart Class Rule Changes:
- Sr. Flathead will run as 1 division with 3 weight classes mixed but scored separately (Light, Heavy, and Super Heavy). Light- 350, Heavy 375, Super Heavy- 400 (driver 200 min). The class will be split during money/memorial races or if the entire field reaches 20 karts.
- Added Briggs 206 Engine to Jr. Sportsman, Jr. Sportsman Champ, Jr. Restricted, and Jr. Restricted Champ class. See the rule book for Slide and Weight rules.
- Jr. 206 Champ class has been removed with the addition of 206 Engine to the other Jr. Classes.
- Camshaft check: In addition to the various cam profile checks specified in the Briggs and Stratton rule set, Tech inspectors will verify that the intake lobe center is between 105°-107.5°. Any camshaft measuring outside of this specification will result in disqualification. In addition to the Briggs and Stratton rule set in both Section 26.a and 26.c; the Briggs & Stratton Engine Seal Database may be referenced by Tech Officials to confirm Factory pop up dimensions for individual engines.
- A tolerance of .001 +/- will be permitted. Any racer whose engine is found to be more than .001 +/- the engine’s original build specification for popup will be disqualified and may have the seals cut making it ineligible for future use at any Oreville events.
- Camshaft check: In addition to the various cam profile checks specified in the Briggs and Stratton rule set, Tech inspectors will verify that the intake lobe center is between 105°-107.5°. Any camshaft measuring outside of this specification will result in disqualification. In addition to the Briggs and Stratton rule set in both Section 26.a and 26.c; the Briggs & Stratton Engine Seal Database may be referenced by Tech Officials to confirm Factory pop up dimensions for individual engines.
- 1st and 2nd Generation Motors: The old-style Briggs hologram seal with no tracer and the black tracer wire is still allowed to compete if it isn’t tampered with and meets the current year Briggs rules.
- Exhaust/Muffler: Mufflers/Silencers are required. Loss of a muffler or exhaust will result in a DQ for the session. A loose muffler/exhaust can result in a DQ if safety becomes an issue.
- Safety wiring of the Exhaust Header Bolts is mandatory for all classes.
- Safety Wiring of the muffler/silencer to the exhaust header is mandatory for all classes (except for the Weenie Pipe and Box Stock Classes). WELDING IS NOT PERMITTED
- All Clone Classes will utilize both 2025 NKA and AKRA Box Stock Engine Rule Sets. You must declare your engine package with the Tech Director.
- Predator 212cc Motors have been given 20LBS weight break for Junior classes and 15LBS weight break in Senior classes to balance the power with the Ducar 212cc.
- WEIGHT STICKER must be posted and visible on the car for the specific motor package in use or when multiclass racing is conducted with similar motors (ex. Sr. Flathead). See the rule book to see if your division is applicable.
- Flat Karts- Left side on fairing or kart body (near fairing).
- Champs- Left side upper roll cage bar.
- Classes with Rev Limiters/Max RPM Rules will be checked via the on-board data logger (Mychron, Alfano, etc.) following the session being teched. Clearing the on-board data before inspection will result in an automatic DQ and additional penalties related to motor infraction rules. Karts without a data logger will be checked on the stand to verify the max RPM.
Jr. Sprint rules will follow the 2025 Port City Raceway Chassis, Tire, and Engine Rules.
Slingshots see 2025 Tobias Rule Book for Changes.
Mini Mod Rule Changes:
- See 2025 Rule Book for Changes issued by L&L and the Mini Mod Division
- Safety Wiring or Welding of the muffler/silencer to the exhaust header is mandatory
Race Day and Tech Rule Changes:
- Code of Conduct for Drivers, Teams, Sponsors, and Attendees:
- All individuals participating in or attending events hosted by Racing Promotions are expected to conduct themselves in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner both on and off the track. Unsafe or reckless behavior during racing, such as actions that endanger others or cause incidents, will result in penalties ranging from warnings, position penalties, fines, disqualification, or suspension based on the severity and intent of the infraction. Intentional actions causing harm will lead to severe penalties, including fines, suspension, or expulsion.
Respectful behavior is required at all times at the track and during associated activities, with no
tolerance for confrontations, fighting, foul language, or threatening behavior. The driver is responsible for all crew members and their actions at all times. Violations may result in warnings, penalties, fines up to $500, expulsion, or suspension, and local law enforcement may be involved if necessary. These standards extend beyond the track to hotels, restaurants, and other venues, with participants and their teams held accountable for their conduct as representatives of Racing Promotions and the racing community. Penalties, including fines, suspension, or expulsion from future events, will apply for violations after a thorough investigation by event staff.
- All individuals participating in or attending events hosted by Racing Promotions are expected to conduct themselves in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner both on and off the track. Unsafe or reckless behavior during racing, such as actions that endanger others or cause incidents, will result in penalties ranging from warnings, position penalties, fines, disqualification, or suspension based on the severity and intent of the infraction. Intentional actions causing harm will lead to severe penalties, including fines, suspension, or expulsion.
- DO NOT CALL LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT WITHOUT NOTIFYING THE TRACK. If a person or competitor calls local law enforcement without the track’s knowledge, fines, penalties, or suspension will be imposed on the offending party based on severity. If you have a problem, find a race official!
- Driver/Car/Engine Changes
- Driver/Car changes must be reported to track officials prior to the race entering the track. If the driver or car change occurs BEFORE the first qualification event (i.e., Heat Race), no penalty will be issued. Changes made AFTER the first qualification event; the driver/car must start at the rear of the field. Any Driver/Car changes WITHOUT NOTICE will result in disqualification for the event and incur a one-race suspension.
- Engine Changes: Any Engine Changes (including carburetor changes) after the driver’s first qualification event must occur in the specified tech area under the observation of the tech inspector. The driver will be placed at the rear of the next session(s). Failure to report an engine change or have broken paint at post-race tech will result in a DQ for the event and incur a one-week suspension. Engines or Engine Components that are swapped will be held in tech until the end of the event!
- The only exception is swapping two different motors (i.e., Flathead to Animal or Animal to 206). Both motors will be sealed to ensure no similar engine (i.e., Flathead to Flathead) swapping occurs.
- Engine sealing: Tech inspectors will, at their discretion, seal any portion of the engine with marking paint after Qualifying or a Heat Race. If repairs are needed which a sealed location to be opened, a tech inspector must be present prior to work beginning and must be done in the tech area. The engine must be resealed before it returns to the track.
- Kart Engine Protesting: If a competitor wishes to protest another competitor’s engine, the protest fee is: Complete Motor Inspection- $150; Carburetor, Head, and Fuel/Oil inspection- $75; Restrictor/Slide Check- $25. PAID CASH ONLY! And the steps below must be followed:
- The Race Director must be notified of a protest at the scale/impound area while both cars are in the impound area IMMEDIATELY.Both the protestors and the protested car/engine must remain in the tech area until the tech procedure for the engine being protested is complete.If, after the engine teardown, the protested engine is found to be legal, the engine owner receives all the protest money.
- The protester engine will be teched first and, if found illegal, will be disqualified, and the Protested engine owner will receive all the protest money. The protest is concluded if the protestor engine is not legal.
- Combining Classes- The Faster Class will start ahead of the slower class for the heat starts (except Sr. Flathead). Restarts and feature starting spots will go in the current overall position on the track. Both classes will be scored separately. Sr. Flathead will start by pill draw and be mixed for the start.